Sunday, June 13, 2010

I don't care

I really seldom say "I don't care" even when I was angry. Maybe at the time, I really mean it. But in the end, I will always care because that is who I am. :)


Friday, June 11, 2010

In the end

In the end, i forgot to update this very blog. :P Despite visitting it everyday, but i keep ignoring it. But the funny thing is, just now, i open, i click new post and here I am. Funny eh?

Nothing much, but I am back to Singapore and as usual, waiting for interview that never comes. LOL.

Not only those things that I have been thinking. There are quite some thoughts that have been running in my mind since the start of this month. The hardest thing is to share those thoughts here... as... they are not for public consumption. :(

Anyways, praying hard to get a job and hopefully in the end, I could solve my thoughts...:)
