Saturday, November 28, 2009

Some funny reply

I was abit lonely here in Singapore. It made me remember of things that I wanted to do. So I message people privately and said " I miss uuuuuuuuuuu". Here are the replies.


"geloo ini org satu"

"miss u too"

"emang ** ngangenin"

"gay x..."


well... the last one was kinda not expected. LOL!! Anyhow, when I said that, I really mean it. I wish I could talk to you and share more time with you. :D



chan 戴永展 said...

hmm, kekny yg gay x tuh adalah jim deh.... hehe
btw, love first comment.. wonder who.. haha

Leo Liemex said...

coba kalo sms aku, pasti dapat more sensational reply..huahahaha

Carolina said...

aku tau punyaku yang mana wakaka!!

3d1_S. said...

pgen pukul chan...

H42 said...

swt... GAY x... tuh bukan wa la... aspa tuh haha

H42 said...

ups ke pake acc na har2... sorry har... comment yg diatas pny jimz wakaa

H42 said...

errr.... pantes koq w ada komen tp w ga ingat w komen td...XD