Sunday, June 13, 2010

I don't care

I really seldom say "I don't care" even when I was angry. Maybe at the time, I really mean it. But in the end, I will always care because that is who I am. :)



Carolina said...

emank har, kau ini selalu care bangeetttt hahahaha!!

gonna miss u, dude ;p

btw, selama sem ini aku menjadi orang yg +++ gila hahaha!! Entah kenapa semua ini bisa terjadi hahaha!! Tapi 1 alesan mungkin karena aku takut kesedihan menghinggapiku kakakaka ;p

take care

H42 said...

miss u too lin.... especially ur smile...;)

jgn tkt ama kesedihan lin... n jgn di sembunyikan..krn bisa u sembunyikan, maka u telah menipu diri sendiri...

do it the other way around...
terima, and u will not have any fear...;)

oM aMaNG said...

LoL nice layout har! i got this quote from not sure how it goes..but the msg is tht..the more we care about something, the more there is gold to it if we choose to let it go..dont be afraid to let go...if something is meant to be yours, it will come your way even if you let it go =)